Rounding off our guest announcements is Anna Fischer, fine art and cosplay photographer extraordinaire! She’s taken her talents around the world, from Iceland to Malibu and everywhere in-between! She’s worked for publications such as Anime Insider, Time Out New York, The Wall Street Journal and more! You’ll be able to learn the tricks of the trade as she hosts several panels on photography, including how to take advantage of our hotel for shots!
Author Archives: Otis Lowe
Our Weekend Programming Hours
Friday, October 30th
2:00pm – 2:00am
Saturday, October 31st
10:00am – 2:00am (Daylight Savings Time)
Sunday, November 1st
11:00am – 4:00pm
Five Questions With Shikarius
1. First off, tell us more about yourself and what you do!
I’m an ivy-league graduate and a current mental health counseling graduate student, but all I really want to do is make high quality maid uniforms. It’s a struggle.
I was a psych major during undergrad as well, but all of my electives were in theater costuming and various aspects of Japanese culture ranging from classics to taiko drumming. Instead of working on my thesis, I studied abroad in Kyoto where I pondered the development of zen by hanging out with monks who taught me how to use Twitter. It was a weird summer.
Basically, I pretend to be a respectable adult on paper, but I really just cry about anime and costumes a lot.
2. What’s your favorite thing about Japan? Do you have a favorite anime?
I’m so obsessed with UFO catchers (crane games) that I think it started becoming compulsive behavior to play them…
But as a whole, I love being able to just walk into a store and find things from the shows and manga that I love. Akihabara is just streets and streets of multi-story specialty shops and it’s really an amazing feeling being able to find so many cool things.
Favorite anime is… way too difficult! I couldn’t even tell you what my favorite *sports* anime is. I like lighthearted episodic shows like Hoozuki no Reitetsu and Nozaki-kun, but I also love over the top action like Sengoku Basara, G Gundam, and Gurren Lagann. I’m really into K Project and AoharuxMachinegun right now, though. Indecisive? Absolutely.
3. What was your first costume? What drew you to cosplaying?
The first costume that I ever put together 100% by myself was Dark from DNAngel. I was 12, it was hot glued together, and none of the edges were finished, but I felt cool so it’s a fond memory.
I still remember the moment I found out about cosplay; I was playing Final Fantasy 8 and searching google for pictures of Squall Leonhart because he was my *husband*. One of the first results was actually a cosplayer and I had an intense “YOOOOO” moment. It was all downhill from there because I have a very supportive -if confused- family.
4. Can you tell us more about one of your panels?
I’ve managed to wrangle in a Japanese friend of mine for a panel on cosplaying in Japan. We’ve both cosplayed at different events and venues in Japan and it’s a much different experience from cons in the US. There are a lot of very interesting social dynamics and logistical differences that I want to discuss, though I’m most excited to talk about unexpected cos-venues like Cosplay Purikura stations where people literally get into full cosplay just to take purikura. I’m hoping that people who’ve never seriously considered it will come out of the panel wanting to try cosplaying in Japan as well.
5. Finally, what are you most excited for at Anime USA?
I’m super excited for the Masquerade! One of my favorite parts of cosplay is learning all the crazy things people do (and attempt to do) to bring a character to life, so I’m really looking forward to chatting up all the participants.
Though after the most recent guest announcements, I’m hoping I can check out the tea ceremony as well! …The instructor in Kyoto said my tea had an excellent visual result but my whisking was too intensely violent to watch serenely… Watching it properly done is very soothing.
Five Questions With Patrick Drazen
1. First off, tell us more about yourself and what you do!
As a VERY long-time fan, going back to the early Sixties when Astro Boy was on TV, what I do now is immerse myself in as much anime and manga as I can, with an eye toward understanding why its creators made the decisions they made. Japanese readers/viewers look at the world from a different history and culture as the American fans, and we don’t always see the same things. In recent years I’ve written two books–and am working on a third–to try to bring western fans “up to speed” and explain why they’re seeing what they see.
2. What’s your favorite thing about Japan? Do you have a favorite anime?
Japanese culture goes back two thousand years, and you can still sense that in the modern era. Some traditions still live on, in large ways and in small. The biggest difference for me, and the subject of one of my panels, is that Christianity, which is regarded in the west as the One True Church, is a relatively new arrival in Japan, and not exactly a good fit. Looking at what is familiar to me as something unusual takes some adjusting, but it also makes perfect sense.
As for my favorite anime, there are so any examples, but the one I love above all else, and could watch daily, is a lesser-known Studio Ghibli masterpiece: Yoshifumi Kondo’s adaptation of the Aoi Hiiragi girls manga “Mimi-wo Sumaseba”, shown over here as “Whisper of the Heart.” Kondo was a brilliant director who died much too soon; he was an animator for Ghibli and for earlier Miyazaki projects who managed to find and respect the humanity and individuality of all of his characters–even the minor ones. Plus: “Mimi-wo Sumaseba” celebrates the creative process, and as a writer I have to love that!
3. During your times writing about the culture of anime, how has the culture and the fandom
changed since you started?
There have been two big changes. In the mid-90s and earlier, going back to the mid-80s when VCRs first started bringing anime to America in a big way, the fandom was almost 90 percent male and focused on science fiction, since a lot of anime titles were influenced by the Star Wars saga. That all changed in the mid-90s when “Sailor Moon” showed up on broadcast TV and forever changed the fan demographic. It wasn’t all rocket ships and gunplay anymore; shoujo storytelling had gone mainstream, and at first it was as exotic as a really good bowl of udon: common over there but not easy to find over here. But female fans came running, literally from all around the world; now the fandom is much wider, which brought about exposure to many more kinds of stories, told in many more diverse and innovative styles.
The second shift is more recent, and is still happening–so we don’t know yet how it will end. The revolution in home computing has grown exponentially; those of us who were around in the 80s when the Macintosh arrived have seen home computing power grow from megabytes to gigabytes to terabytes. Even hand-held devices can playback any anime anywhere at any time. Video rentals have come and pretty much gone; the word now is “streaming”. This will have an effect on the production of anime, but we can’t see yet what that will be.
4. Can you tell us more about one of your panels?
In keeping with Halloween, I have a panel I’ve had some success with. “From Twilight to Daybreak” is my survey of vampires in anime/manga. Despite the occurrence of some bloodsucking characters in Japanese legend, manga didn’t do anything with them until 1980, when “Black Jack” creator Osamu Tezuka did a parody of Count Dracula. That opened the door for other artists; but, in the context of a culture that is not Christian-based, Japanese vampires aren’t the sparkly romantics of Stephanie Meyer books. They’re either comedy versions of Hollywood, or monsters who surrendered their humanity through their hunger to cheat death. There have been some fascinating examples reflecting Japan’s very different attitudes on the subject.
5. Finally, what are you most excited for at Anime USA?
Getting back to Washington DC. I haven’t interacted with the fanbase there since 2006, when I was Emcee for the Anime Marathon at the Smithsonian. I’ve been limited to the Midwest, so it’s great to be able to see people–and anime–I usually would not catch. This is my first AUSA and I’m really looking forward to it!
Welcome Back Kyoko Okamoto!
Kyoko Okamoto, a demonstrator and lecturer of the koto, will be returning once again to Anime USA! Bringing years of experience, she teaches the Ikuta school of koto all around the DC Metropolitan area. Her lecture and recitals have attracted numerous college and community audiences up and down the Mid-Atlantic, the Midwest, and New England area! She has also recorded for the Smithsonian Institution, National Symphony Orchestra, and numerous Western artists! Hear a live lesson of the koto from a master in person only at Anime USA!
The Urasenke Tea Ceremony Returns To Anime USA!
We’re excited to be welcoming back the Chado Urasenke Tankokai Washington DC Association to perform the Way of Tea ceremony for us once again! This elegant ceremony is a glimpse at a different era and is a perfect way to relax at the convention. The Association is part of a network that spans throughout the US and Canada teaching the Urasenke school’s methods and promoting US-Japanese friendship and mutual understanding. Stay tuned for the schedule to find out when you can see the amazing Urasenke Tea Ceremony at Anime USA!
Studio Cosplay Saves The Day At Anime USA
We’re happy to announce that Studio Cosplay will be on-hand at Anime USA this year! They’ll have a repair booth in the Artist’s Alley(right?) to help with all of your cosplay emergencies! On top of that, Studio Cosplay will have several workshops and classes designed to help cosplayers, new and old, to learn more and refine their work! You’ll be able to find them sharing space with our Art Show!
Five Questions With Lord Ramirez
1. First off, tell us more about yourself and what you do!
I’m a professional educator and entertainer. What I have done is very diverse, so lets go with telling you a little more about me. I started attending conventions around 1991. I think my first one was a Star Trek convention. I remember meeting Sulu, Scotty, and Chekov. I first got involved with Martial arts when I was five. This led to a lifelong fascination with Japanese culture. Useless trivia for AUSA my favorite restaurant while I’m at AUSA is UMI Sushi.
2. Do you have a favorite anime?
My favorite anime, would be Mazinger Z, which was one of the first ones I ever saw. The idea was pretty cool, and the side story about the Bobo bot was pretty funny.
3. Do you have a favorite costume that you’ve donned? Any tips for those who want to get into character?
No. I think each look I create has a specific purpose and that makes each of them fun. As for getting into character, If I was talking to an actor on acting I would suggest feeling the role by living it (Method acting). But as for a cosplayer, I’d say the key is having fun with it, and not feeling self conscious about it.
4. Can you tell us more about one of your panels?
Yes. The Oicho Kabu panel is one of my favorites. While I begin with the history of the game, It ends with us all playing it, and everyone tends to have a good time. The best thing about it is while you can play it with traditional Japanese Kabufuda cards, it can also be played with traditional western playing cards as well, making it a more accessible game.
5. Finally, what are you most excited for at Anime USA?
Getting to meet all of the attendees and the chance to share my passions with them!
Shikarius Gets Into Character At Anime USA!
We’re happy to bring the 13-year cosplay veteran on board for Anime USA! A holder of over two dozen cosplay awards, Shiki meticulously crafts all of her costumes and enjoys ending up with no more than 30% vision or movement capability at any given time. Her style can be described as “where did you even find that many rhinestones” combined with “selectively picky tailoring”, “whatever will make me look taller”, and “50% chance of being Levi from Attack on Titan”. You’ll be able to catch her roaming the convention as Matthew Perry Jr. from Samurai Jam Bakumatsu Rock, Midori Nagamasa from Aoharu x Machinegun, and Mikazuki Munechika from Touken Ranbu. On top of her costumed exploits, Shiki will be holding several panels and will be one of our judges for the cosplay masquerade! You can see more from Shiki at
Five Questions With Kass McGann
1. First off, tell us more about yourself and what you do!
My name is Kass McGann and I’ve been doing studying and replicating historical clothing for about 20 years. In 2003, I started the sewing pattern company in order to share this information with other people. Since then I’ve also published nearly 20 e-books that describe the clothing from various places and time periods and how to wear it.
2. What’s your favorite thing about Japan?
When I was studying at Doshisha University in Kyoto, and I was reading The Tale of Genji for school, I could walk down the same streets as the characters in the book did. And that really affected me. The way that ancient things live next door to modern things and it’s not at all weird. When I lived in Kyoto, it was very common to see Geisha dancing to modern music at the Maharaja disco in Gion. Or a yakimo salesman peddling his snacks outside a totally modern office building. In the West, we’re all about preserving things and keeping them separate. In Japan (and Kyoto in particular), the past is right there with you, everyday. It’s a part of everything.
Do you have a favorite anime?
I do! I was really into “Ranma 1/2” when it was just out, back in the day. Something about it just appealed to me. I also was an aficionado of “Oh My Goddess”.
3. What was it about historical costuming that got you hooked? Was there a particular outfit or historic clothing trend that got you hooked?
It was. There is a dress in the National Museum of Ireland called the Shinrone Gown. It was found in Shinrone, County Tipperary in 1847 and dates to the late 16th or early 17th century. No one knows anything about who wore it or who made it, and at that point (1995), no one had studied it extensively. I spent the next three or four summers flying back and forth to Ireland to examine it. In that time, I didn’t just learn about 16th-century Irish clothing making. Or even dyeing and weaving. I learned about the culture that produced the woman who wore that gown, what was important to them, and a little about what was important to her. Without anyone trying to make it do so, this garment told the story of a life. It told about her changing circumstances, her pregnancies, the changes happening in Ireland during her lifetime, lots of things you wouldn’t expect to find out from a piece of clothing. And that’s when I realized that one of the rare things that ties us to the past is that we all wear clothes. And those clothes protect us as well as let us show off who we are. And they tell stories. They wear us! That connection to the past really charmed me. That’s why I approach historical reconstructions a bit religiously. It’s important to get it right because you are honoring a real person of the past by doing so. And as someone who likes to dress up and pretend to be someone else on the weekends, I realized how essential costume is to that, not just because it’s the thing that makes you look right, but it’s the thing that makes you feel right. Even when the costume is fantasy, it is still an essential element of who I’m trying to be.
4. Can you tell us more about one of the panels you’ll be presenting this year?
Yes! I’m doing a costume construction panel called “What Makes That Shape”. It’s about how to look at an outfit and figure out what kinds of pieces you will need to make your costume look like that. It’s a technique we use in historical replica making when we don’t have an original garment to examine so we’re basing out reconstructions on portraits and illustrations. There’s a world of difference between what a circular skirt and a multi-paneled skirt looks like in terms of shape, and this method can help costumers figure out what they need to make without a lot of trial and error. It saves a lot of time and material. And I think it will be of great use to the attendees at Anime USA for their future projects.
5. Finally, what are you most excited for at Anime USA?
The Ball! This year I made sure I didn’t have any panels that conflicted with the Formal Ball. So I’m going to be out there cutting up the rug!