Kitsune Kid cosplaying as Wartortle.
We got a chance to catch up with cosplayer, Kitsune Kid (formerly known as KO Cosplay). She was a guest at the last year’s Anime USA. See what she has to say about cosplay & more!
What got you into cosplay?
I was watching anime with a bunch of friends in college—Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann to be exact—and they said I should cosplay Yoko. I took their advice and wore my first cosplay—some parts made and some parts purchased/commissioned—to my first convention and had a blast. I knew I had to make more costumes. The rest is history!
What is your favorite cosplay to date?
That’s a tough question to answer. I love Angewomon for the final product and all the work that went into her, but Suicune has a special place in my heart since it was a great chance to show off my creative skills since it was an original design. Crimson Viper takes the cake as my favorite cosplay to wear, though. :)
What is your advice to cosplayers new to the scene? What about when making their own cosplays?
My best advice is to pursue things you love and to start small. If you try to make a costume of a character you don’t love, all the labor won’t feel worth it in the end. Cosplay can be a pretty painful process, from burning yourself with an iron to the long hours of all-nighters to make the deadline. I always recommend that newbies should start small, because while taking on big projects can seem challenging, they can also be very overwhelming and discourage new cosplayers from continuing the craft. All the skills associated with cosplaying (sewing, propmaking, wig styling, hair cutting, applying makeup and prosthetics, 3D printing, etc.) will be skills you build off as time continues. Start small and build up!
Who are some people that you look up to as role models?
What was your first cosplay? What have you learned since that has stuck with you the most?
My first cosplay was Yoko Littner from Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann. I’ve learned so many invaluable lessons from making cosplay and cosplaying, however I would say the most important thing I’ve learned is that you must do things because you love to do them, regardless of what others may have to say about it. In the end, you’re doing it for you, not them. :)