Artist Information
Displaying Art
Artists wishing to display work in Anime USA’s art show must first contact the Art Show Coordinator ( to ensure there is space for their work. Include the following information in your email:
- Legal name
- Artist/Studio name
- Number of pieces (items sold as a set count as one piece)
- Type of artwork (painting, sculpture, etc.)
- Description
- Size of artwork to be displayed
- Whether you will mail the art or drop it off
If there is space, the Art Show Coordinator will reserve space for you and send you details on how to either deliver it on the Friday of the convention, or mail it in prior to the convention. All art that is mailed to the convention must be received by October 3, 2015.
If space allows, walk-in art will be accepted on a first come first serve basis. Artists will be limited to one 2 ft wide x 6 ft high section unless they receive permission for more space from the Art Show Coordinator. Limited table space is available and must be requested.
All art must be accompanied by a bid sheet for each piece and a control sheet for all pieces by the artist. See below for details and copies of the sheets. We have some control and bid sheets on hand for walk-in art, but it will go more smoothly if control and bid sheets for the walk-in art have been filled out prior to the convention.
Art must meet the Art Restrictions as outlined below.
Fees and Commissions
Return Postage: All mail-in art must include a check (made out to Anime USA) for estimated return postage. If return postage exceeds what has been pre-paid, then the remaining amount will be deducted from the proceeds for the Artist’s other work that sold. If prepaid return postage exceeds what was needed, the remaining amount will be refunded to the artist.
Display Fee: There is a non-refundable display fee of $1.00 for every piece of art (items sold as a set count as one piece) displayed in the art show. Please include the display fee check (made out to Anime USA) with your art; this should be a separate check from any return postage check. Display fees for drop-off or walk-in art must be made in cash at the convention unless prior approval has been obtained from the Art Show Coordinator.
Commission: The convention will take a 10% commission on all sales above $10 on the amount above $10. For example a piece that goes for $28 at auction will have $1.80 (10% of $18) taken in commission. This is in addition to the display fee.
Art Restrictions
- All art must be the original work of the artist.
- All art must be able to hang on 2 ft x 6 ft panels unless prior arrangements have been made with Art Show Coordinator. 3-D art is exempt.
- Art should have an anime, manga, gaming or Japanese theme, but the occasional exception is acceptable.
- Nudes are allowed, but art with explicit sexual themes will not be accepted.
- There will be a print shop in the art show with a limit of no more than 3 separate sets of prints per artist. Prints will have a set price determined by the artist. The $1 entrance fee is applied per artist to put in 3 prints with up to 15 copies.
- The minimum bid or quick sale allowed for each piece of art is $5.
- All art to be hung for display such as a painting, sketch, print, or drawing must be matted and/or framed. This does not apply to items such as masks, scrolls, brush-art t-shirts, etc.
- It is recommended that artists submit pieces with minimum bids of less than $50.
Drop-off and Walk-in Art
- All drop-off or walk-in art must be checked in and out by Art Show Personnel.
- Once artwork is checked into the room it must remain until the end of the convention unless prearranged with the Art Show Coordinator prior to or at check-in.
- Drop-off and walk-in artists may pick up their unsold work after the art show is closed on Sunday.
- Any unsold drop-off or walk-in art not claimed by artist or representative by the end of the convention becomes the property of the convention.
- Art must meet the Art Restrictions as outlined below.
Returning Mail-In Art
Unsold mailed-in art will be returned to the artist two to three weeks after the convention if the pre-paid return postage or proceeds from art that sold will cover the return postage. If there are insufficient funds to cover return postage, the artist will be contacted for payment of necessary amount prior to returning the unsold art.
Payment to Artists
Payments for sold artwork will be mailed to the artists four to six weeks after the convention.
Artist Show Control Sheet
Please fill out the Artist Control Sheet and send it in with your work (along with your display fee and return postage checks). We request you use the MS-Word control sheet if you can and email a copy of it the Art Show Coordinator as well as including a hard copy with your art. This will make it easier for the Coordinator to process your items.
- Art Show Control Sheet (Adobe Acrobat)
- Art Show Control Sheet (MS Word)
Art Bid Sheet Details
Artists shall supply the following information for each piece: Title of work, artist name, materials and method, minimum bid. Artists must list a reasonable Quick Sale price. Many of the sales at our Art Show are Quick Sales. Artists may use bid sheets that we provide or their own.
- Art Show Bid Sheet (Adobe Acrobat)
- Art Show Bid Sheet (MS Word)
Bidder Information
Registering to Bid
In order to bid on art on display in the art show you must have a bidder number provided by the Art Show staff (excepting Quick Sales as explained below).
Prospective bidders:
- Must be registered to attend the convention on Sunday.
- Provide their full name, address, phone number, and/or email.
- Present photo ID.
Bidding on Art
- All art will have a bid sheet next to it. Write your name, badge number, and bid amount in the appropriate places on the bid sheet.
- All bids will be in whole dollars. Bids should be a reasonable amount above the previous bid. For example, if the last bid was $30, an appropriate higher bid would be $35.
- By bidding on any art you are contractually committing yourself to pay the bid amount if you are the high bidder.
- All bids are final.
Winning Bids
Art will go to the highest bidder when the art show closes at Noon on Sunday. The high bidder can claim and pay for the art at the Art Show at that time.
Any art work legally bid for, but not collected and paid for by the buyer will be retained by the convention. The convention will make every effort to contact the buyer to remind them of their legal obligation to pay for purchased art at the bid price and collect funds due and remit to the artist (less the commission). If we are unable to complete this within three months, the art will be returned to the artist.
Quick Sales
If a piece of artwork has a Quick Sale price listed on and no bid has yet been made on it, you may immediately buy it for the Quick Sale amount. Speak to the Art Show staff to make the Quick Sale.
Art bought through Quick Sale may be claimed immediately or left on display until later. Coordinate when you will claim the art with the Art Show staff.