Anime USA is able to offer a limited number of panelist reimbursements presenters in the various Anime USA Programming Tracks.
This policy only applies to panelists who have purchased an Anime USA membership, who qualify for reimbursement, and have been approved by the Anime USA Programming Staff for a reimbursement. If the AUSA staff has already made other arrangements for your attendance that did not require you to pay for your badge, this policy does not apply to you.
All panels will be allowed two named panelists. Additional panelists are allowed, but cannot count their participation towards reimbursement.
Three hours of programming will allow a panelist an Anime USA badge reimbursement. Panelists who are interested in being considered for reimbursement must check that box during panel submissions.
There will be a limited number of 2015 reimbursements available.
Panelists who qualify for reimbursement must receive a confirmation e-mail from the Director of Programming prior to Con. They must provide a copy of this e-mail, their receipt for an Anime USA membership, and fill out a panelist reimbursement form in the Programming Office at Anime USA in order to have their reimbursement processed. All reimbursements will be submitted for processing at con, and are typically processed within four to six weeks of the convention.
Memberships reimbursements are capped at the equivalent regular membership rate at the time of purchase. For example, if you buy a Silver membership at a discount you will be reimbursed what a regular membership cost when you bought the silver membership.
Anime USA reserves the right to deny reimbursement for panelists who do not complete the required number of panels at con or panelists who violate the rules of Anime USA, our venue, or the District of Colombia.
All decisions regarding panelist reimbursement will be made by the Director of Programming. If you have any questions, please contact him at